Clara landed in Singapore, 12,565 kilometers away from home, at the start of this year for her 18-month trainee program. She is gaining international experience at the Pepperl+Fuchs location there and getting to know various departments. We caught up with her to talk about her time there so far, how she has been received by colleagues, and what she especially likes about this location.
Hi, Clara. So, how did things start out for you?
Clara: Things got off to a great start! My local colleagues made it really easy for me, too. They gave me a very warm welcome and just started taking me along everywhere right away, from having lunch together to team events. I’ve been getting closer with some of my colleagues outside work, too, and we do things like go to yoga together after work. Everything has really come together, and I feel very comfortable here.
How did your apartment hunt go?
Clara: Luckily, Pepperl+Fuchs provides apartments for interns, trainees, or other employees who come to Singapore for a limited time. I live with some colleagues from Germany, and everyone gets along great. We’ve gone bouldering and have explored Singapore together quite a few times.
So, how does the trainee program go?
Clara: The goal is to get to know different departments. For example, I spent some time in inside sales, where I learned a lot about the various Pepperl+Fuchs products. I’ve also done stints in marketing, HR, purchasing, and other areas. After initial training in each department, I got the chance to help out with projects right away. The combination of theory and practice is something I really like. Because I’m rotating through many different departments, I get great insight into the company while learning a lot, and I still have the chance to actively participate. There’s a lot of variety, and I’m gaining wonderful experience as a trainee. I’ll be getting to know the Finance & Controlling and payroll departments before I go back to Germany.

Is there anything special to report about the location itself?
Clara (laughs): Definitely Level 4! The whole floor was renovated just this year. Everything is state-of-the-art, with what we call a “hot desk” concept. That means when I come in in the morning, I just sit down wherever there’s a free space. And that means I end up talking to various colleagues, since I’m sitting somewhere different every day. We often hang out in the games room after having lunch in the cafeteria and play a round of foosball or darts before heading back to our desks.

And how do you like Singapore as a city?
Clara: Singapore is really beautiful, and on the weekends, I love to spend a lot of time in the many parks around town. I especially enjoy Sungei Buloh, which is a holdover from the original mangrove forests. The biodiversity there is just amazing. We’ve seen big lizards, snakes, monkeys, and even a crocodile there – right in the big city! And Singapore is also a great point of departure for travel…
Do you travel a lot?
Clara: Yes, I’ve been to Malaysia a number of times, for example. It’s just a short bus trip away. Otherwise, I’ve used my vacation time and holidays for trips to northern Vietnam, Bali, Borneo, and the Great Barrier Reef. Next year I definitely want to visit the Philippines and Sri Lanka.