Portrait of Andrew, Sales Performance Coach at Pepperl+Fuchs. Behind him you can see the American flag.

What does a Sales Perfomance Coach do, anyway?

Andrew is a Sales Performance Coach for Pepperl+Fuchs Americas and is based in Twinsburg, Ohio. In the interview, Andrew tells us what his position entails, what he enjoys about his profession, and his secret to successful training.

Hello, Andrew. You started your journey with Pepperl+Fuchs long before your move to Twinsburg, Ohio, in 2019. What brought you to the company in the first place?
Andrew: My relationship with the company dates back to 2008. Back then, I worked with Pepperl+Fuchs as an independent Sales Training Consultant in the UK for the best part of a decade. Then, in 2016, Bob Smith called me and asked if I would be interested in working with Pepperl+Fuchs in the US. So, I jumped at the chance and in 2017 brought the sales platform to the US operation. By late 2018, Bob Smith was convinced that much more value could be created if I had a permanent position. Having harbored an ambition to live and work in the US for many years, it was easy for me to agree to a move to the US and become Pepperl+Fuchs Sales Performance Coach for the Americas based in Twinsburg, Ohio.

Three important things

What does it take to be a Sales Performance Coach?
Andrew: Three things: an understanding of what great selling looks like, the ability to listen and empathize, and then communication of the small changes which can generate big results. Many years ago a mentor in my early career told me: “Never forget that your most important task is to enhance the belief and confidence of the people who you are working with. At Pepperl+Fuchs we are “Striving for Perfection” in the way that we understand our customers’ requirements and develop specific solutions; it is my job to ensure that our sales processes are as innovative and effective as our technologies.

What is the secret to successfully training every individual to achieve his or her best outcome?
Andrew: Wow, challenging question! First and foremost I believe that actual sales experience is essential. I consider myself a sales professional who learned how to train and coach. Secondly, training and coaching both have specific processes and use multiple skills. Over 25 years I have tried to learn as much as possible about these disciplines and tried to become as expert as possible in the planning and delivery of training and coaching workshops. I try to model the behaviors that will help others. And then I combine practical tips, proven approaches, some applied psychology, and a touch of the unexpected to create training and coaching that is inspiring, enjoyable, and leads to increased success for individuals and the organization.

Experimenting with new methods

Andrew, Sales Performance Coach at Pepperl+Fuchs, sits on a chair in a room and plays the guitar. In the background you can see several guitars standing on a guitar stand.
Many of Andrew’s favorite artists are from America.

What do you enjoy most about being a Sales Perfomance Coach?
Andrew: This is an easier one to answer: The biggest buzz is seeing someone perform in a way that they thought was impossible. My approach is to help colleagues to do the simple things extraordinarily well, to experiment with new methods to improve their success, to learn from the “failures,” and to celebrate the successes. Finally, I have two mantras: “Activity is King” and “Attention to Detail.” When I see my colleagues doing all the right things and doing them outstandingly well, then I know that eventually they will get the results that they deserve.

What do you do when you are not working?
Andrew: As one can imagine, I like to travel. Before I moved to a different continent for my position with Pepperl+Fuchs, I spent 20 years travelling the world with my work. I have visited many places, from Singapore in the East to San Diego in the West, including working with Pepperl+Fuchs in France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Scandinavia, and of course here in the Americas. Possibly influenced by my many travels, I love to cook and experiment with Mediterranean and Asian cuisine. I really “dislike being bored” and hence I am a man with a multitude of passions. I am interested in sports and I am an enthusiastic (if frequently disappointed) Cleveland Indians baseball fan. I have a lifelong love of tennis and motor sports and am now planning to explore US race circuits to indulge my passion for sports cars. Aside from sports and travelling, I am also passionate about the arts and love modern art, movies, mid-century design, comedy, and live music. I am a “poorly skilled, but enthusiastic” guitar player. Many of my favorite artists are American, another attraction of my new life here.

Portrait of Andrew, Sales Performance Coach at Pepperl+Fuchs

Sales Performance Coach
Working for Pepperl+Fuchs since:
August 2008
Favorite dish: pepperoni pizza
His motto: The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is in the way that the small details are managed.
Things he could not live without: Coffee and rock music

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